
Jennifer Bristow

Insurance & Authorization Coordinator



I love painting my nails.

When I was 5 a doctor tried to shove a horrible cherry flavored medicine down my throat. To this day I cannot stand cherries, even the sight of them makes my stomach turn.

I'm the only granddaughter on both sides of my family.

Live, Laugh, Love


I’m soon to be married on 6/19/2021. By that time, we will have been together for 8 years. I grew up in Holland MI just around the corner from my soon to be husband. Besides college I’ve never went too far from home. I’ve stayed in Michigan for 99% of my life. My first time flying wasn’t until I was 23. Growing up I was constantly in the water. As an infant I loved splashing in the tub and enjoyed beach days with my family. On my days off I try to go to the beach as much as possible. If the weather permits if I’m not at the beach, then I’m probably on a boat. For years my dad would take my brother and I to Gun Lake to go tubing with friends. We would tube so much and must hang on so tight that our hands were cramped up and our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard.

I’ve always loved animals, particularity dogs and cats. At my house there’s always been a few cats and several dachshunds too. My fiancĂ© and I have a German Shepard together named Koda. He’s huge, very strong, protective, and extremely spoiled but I love him. When its winter and I can’t be in the water I’m probably online shopping, organizing or making crafts. Scrapbooking is my go-to. If I’m not scrapbooking, then I’m most likely baking holiday treats or watching Netflix with my mom. I appreciate days when I can spend time with family no matter what we are doing or where we are at.


Ferris Statue University, Bachelor's in Business Administration



While at Ferris as a resident adviser I handled a lot of strange situations that required a high amount of team effort, communication, mentoring, and emergency problem-solving. After graduating from Ferris, I moved back home and started working in healthcare with the elderly community at an assisted living and skilled nursing facility. I didn’t directly work with the patients as the position I held was a mix of human resources, staff scheduling, supplies management, and medical records. My time at the facility was spent creating many solutions for all kinds of problems and organizing almost anything I worked with. After a year of experience at the facility, I quickly knew I wanted to change to working with kids which is how I came to DEBH.